Product reviews
December 20, 2023

Wiseone Is A FREE AI Tool That Improves Your Online Reading Experience

Unlock a new way of reading and browsing with the power of AI.

Jim Clyde Monge
Jim Clyde Monge

Drowning in internet data? I feel you.

In today’s world of information overload, especially with the rise of AI-generated content, staying on top of the latest knowledge and remaining productive have become increasingly difficult tasks.

With the deluge of content we consume across news sites, blogs, research papers, reviews, and social media posts, we need advanced tools to help us efficiently understand complex information.

Thankfully, there’s already an AI tool for that—it's called Wiseone.

Wiseone chrome extension
Wiseone chrome extension

What is Wiseone?

Picture this: an AI tool that transforms the chaotic web of information into neatly organized, digestible knowledge nuggets. That’s Wiseone in a nutshell. This AI-powered browser extension isn’t just another add-on; it’s a game-changer, seamlessly integrating into your web browsing routine and unlocking levels of comprehension you didn’t know were possible.

Frankly, I find it nothing short of revolutionary.

So how exactly does this handy extension pull this off? Let’s break it down feature by feature.

Wiseone features

  • Focus—Easily understand complex concepts and words.
  • Cross-check — Get easy access to factual and reliable sources reporting on the same subject. It is super useful for verifying information in this era of misinformation and “fake news.” I like how Wiseone encourages deeper research from quality sources.
  • Ask anything — Ask any question on any web page you’re reading, or get instantly sourced answers from top search engines. Now this is cool. It basically gives you an AI research assistant right inside your browser. Any tangents or follow-up questions get answered on the spot, without losing your place in what you’re reading. Huge time-saver!
  • Summarize—Summarize content on any website within seconds with key takeaways to remember. Wiseone will give you the sparknotes version instantly, so you can move on to other tasks more efficiently.

How to install

On your Chrome browser, go to the extensions page and install Wiseone.

Wiseone chrome extension
Wiseone chrome extension

If you’re on the Microsoft Edge browser, head over to the Add-ons page and search for Wiseone. Click the “Get” button to install. It's nice that it works across multiple browsers.

Wiseone chrome Extension (Microsoft edge)
Wiseone chrome extension (Microsoft edge)

Once the extension is installed, you will be redirected to a sign-up page. Create an account for free, and when you’re in, I recommend pinning the extension for ease of use. That will make Wiseone’s tools always available with just one click.

Wiseone chrome extension
Wiseone chrome extension

How to use Wiseone

The first thing that you’re going to do is enable Wiseone on the website that you intend to use it for. For instance, I wanted to get insights about this web page. It makes sense, you have to actively enable it on sites where you want to leverage Wiseone’s capabilities.

Wiseone chrome extension
Wiseone chrome extension

When the extension is enabled on that website, it should be able to read the web pages, and you can do things like summarize, chat with it, or explore for related content. It can dynamically interact with whatever I’m reading to simplify, clarify, and enhance the content. This is awesome!

Wiseone chrome extension features
Wiseone features

You will also see these annotations on paragraphs that help you verify the information by cross-checking it against verified sources.

Wiseone cross check feature
Wiseone cross check feature

Now, let’s try to ask it to summarize the web page.

Wiseone summarize feature
Wiseone summarize feature

Here’s an example of me asking Wiseone about the article.

Wiseone ask anything feature
Wiseone ask anything feature

The response is quick and on point. This saves me a lot of time because what I usually do is copy a bunch of text from a web page and paste it into an AI chatbot to summarize for me. Now, no more copying and pasting!

PDF support

Perhaps one area where this tool is most useful is research. For a person who often reads whitepapers, having Wiseone by my side is a real convenience. Take this 30-page PDF file, for example: Being able to get summaries and ask questions about dense PDF documents is next-level.

Wiseone PDF support
Wiseone PDF support

In just two clicks, I was able to get a good summary of what the paper is all about. There is no need to skim through the file and waste precious time. It’s like having an AI research wingman.

The “ask anything” feature also works, so you’re basically talking to your PDF. Love this. Being able to have a conversational Q&A with study materials makes the learning process much more interactive and engaging.

Wiseone PDF support
Wiseone PDF support


This kind of extension will surely raise some eyebrows since they might have access to some sensitive data from your browser. But it looks like the Wiseone team has taken conscious steps to secure user data.

  1. The extension is not enabled on all websites by default. You have to manually enable it to be able to read the content on the web page. Good safety measure. It gives me more autonomy over when Wiseone activates versus passively hoovering up my information.
  2. The app is GDPR-compliant. Your data is strictly confidential and won’t be used for advertising or commercial purposes. It will solely be used for logging, debugging, and improving the product. Being GDPR compliant is reassuring and suggests Wiseone values ethical data policies aligned with user rights.


Wiseone is completely free to use. Just install the browser extension, create an account, and use it right away. No subscription is required.

Final Thoughts

Overall, I was happy to come across this tool. I have been using it extensively over the past few days, and it has proved to be a really helpful assistant.

There are a few things I wish they would improve upon, though:

  • A larger window overlay—the default hovering window is a little small and can’t be expanded. They could probably add an option to move the view to a side panel. Having a more customizable or expanded view of Wiseone’s outputs would really improve the user experience.
  • A memory feature—it would be really helpful if there’s a way to save summaries or maybe a history of the websites I visited and used the tool.

The tool is still in beta, so there will be more changes and improvements coming along. I am excited to see where the creators take this. Even at this early stage, the fundamentals seem very promising.

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