January 28, 2024

How To Enable "GPT Mention" Feature In ChatGPT

Here's a step-by-step guide on how to enable "GPT Mention" in ChatGPT.

Jim Clyde Monge
Jim Clyde Monge

Hey ChatGPT users, I have some really cool tricks to share with you today.

Ahead of the upcoming new feature of ChatGPT called “GPT Mention," you can enable this feature now.

Disclaimer: This hack is a bit technical so I tried my best to be as detailed as I can so anyone can follow.

Let’s start by explaining what the “GPT Mention” feature is all about.

GPT Mention allows you to inline tag any other custom GPT by using the “@” tag followed by the name of the GPT application. This feature also enables using different GPTs in the same conversation, taking an agent-like approach.

Right now, the feature doesn’t work yet in most ChatGPT users. If you type the keyword “@,” will not do anything on your chat.

Right now, the feature doesn’t work yet in most ChatGPT users. If you type the keyword “@,” will not do anything on your chat.
Image by Jim Clyde Monge

After the trick is applied, typing the “@” handle should bring up a list of GPT applications you can inline tag.

After the trick is applied, typing the “@” handle should bring up a list of GPT applications you can inline tag.
Image by Jim Clyde Monge

Awesome. Now let’s begin with the tutorial.

Step #1: Find the request to /backend-api/accounts/

First, open Google Chrome browser and go to https://chat.openai.com. Right click and choose “Inspect” to open the DevTools window.

First, open Google Chrome browser and go to https://chat.openai.com. Right click and choose “Inspect” to open the DevTools window.
Image by Jim Clyde Monge

In the filters field, type “/account” to filter the request to https://chat.openai.com/backend-api/accounts/check/v4-2023-04-27. You should see the same user interface as below:

In the filters field, type “/account” to filter the request to https://chat.openai.com/backend-api/accounts/check/v4-2023-04-27. You should see the same user interface as below:

We need to override the content of this HTTP response. But before doing that, you need to set up the local overrides.

Step #2: Set up local overrides

If you haven’t already enabled local overrides in DevTools, click “Select folder” at the top and choose a folder on your computer to store overrides.

If you haven’t already enabled local overrides in DevTools, click “Select folder” at the top and choose a folder on your computer to store overrides.
Image by Jim Clyde Monge

You may need to create a folder on your local disk to store the override scripts. Allow full access when prompted.

You may need to create a folder on your local disk to store the override scripts. Allow full access when prompted.
Image by Jim Clyde Monge

Now, we are ready to override the HTTP response.

Step #3: Override the content of the HTTP response

Go back to the Network tab and right-click on the "v4-2023-04-27" response. Choose “Override content”.

This will open the Sources tab where you can edit the response body. Inside the two sets of “features” lists, insert “gizmo_inline_tagging” like below:

This will open the Sources tab where you can edit the response body. Inside the two sets of “features” lists, insert “gizmo_inline_tagging” like below:

This will open the Sources tab where you can edit the response body. Inside the two sets of “features” lists, insert “gizmo_inline_tagging” like below:Image by Jim Clyde MongeSave the response file and refresh the ChatGPT webpage.

You should see a notification about GPT mentions.

Congratulations! You have just enabled a feature ahead of everyone else.

Step #4. Start using GPT Mention

One cool trick of being able to tag GPT apps is the ability to switch between them in one chat instance.

For example, I had Dall-E generate a cute dog image.

I had Dall-E generate a cute dog image.
Image by Jim Clyde Monge

Then I switched to another GPT app called “Coloring Book Hero” inside the same chat box to transform the dog into a coloring book page.

Then I switched to another GPT app called “Coloring Book Hero” inside the same chat box to transform the dog into a coloring book page.
Image by Jim Clyde Monge

How cool is that? You can call other GPTs to make further modifications to these images.

If you want to disable the feature, you can do so by disabling the local overrides on your browser.

Step #5: Remove local overrides

Go to the Sources tab in DevTools and uncheck the “Enable Local Overrides” checkbox. Alternatively, you can delete the overrides that are already saved on your local drive by clicking on the delete button.

Go to the Sources tab in DevTools and uncheck the “Enable Local Overrides” checkbox. Alternatively, you can delete the overrides that are already saved on your local drive by clicking on the delete button.
Image by Jim Clyde Monge

This action can’t be undone, and you will have to manually recreate the deleted overrides.

Final Thoughts

Okay, that’s about it. I hope you have fun enabling and trying out GPT Mentions ahead of the crowd. If you encounter any issues while following this guide, let me know in the comments.

A huge shout out to X user Danizord — e/acc for posting this little trick in X.

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