AI news
January 16, 2024

GPT Store Is Finally Live

You can now create your own custom GPT and make profit from it.

Jim Clyde Monge
Jim Clyde Monge

It’s only been two months since Sam Altman announced the GPT Store during OpenAI’s first ever Dev Day. Today, there are over 3 million custom versions of ChatGPT that have been created and uploaded by the community.

The speed at which the community has embraced this platform is mind-blowing. In my opinion, this shows the tremendous pent-up demand for accessible AI development tools.

What is the GPT Store?

The GPT Store works similarly to an app store, where users can find and access various GPT models. Users can also create their own custom GPT models.

To do this, users need to create a GPT account and then submit their GPT model for review. Once a model has been approved, it will be published to the GPT Store and made available to other users.

“We believe if you give people the tools, they will do amazing things,” — Sam Altman , CEO of OpenAI.

How to create a GPT

Creating a custom GPT is only accessible to pro subscribers, which costs $20 per month.

Before starting, you need to enable your builder profile under the settings page and builder profile tab.

ChatGPT Settings
Image by Jim Clyde Monge

Next, head over to the dashboard and click the “Create” button.

GPT Store create button
Image by Jim Clyde Monge

Configure your GPT model based on its intended purpose and behavior.

GPT Store configuration screen
Image by Jim Clyde Monge

Once done editing, save your model and modify the visibility settings. To be visible in the marketplace, you need to set the publish settings to “Everyone”.

GPT Store publishing preview
Image by Jim Clyde Monge

Review OpenAI’s latest usage policies and GPT brand guidelines to ensure that your GPTs are compliant. You can also report non-compliant models.

Make money with your GPTs

An exciting aspect of the GPT Store is the ability to monetize your models. According to OpenAI, you can earn money based on usage of your GPT.

Unfortunately, the revenue program is currently only available to US-based builders.

In Q1 we will launch a GPT builder revenue program. As a first step, US builders will be paid based on user engagement with their GPTs. We’ll provide details on the criteria for payments as we get closer.

I will update this article once the revenue capability gets rolled out to more countries.

5 GPTs worth checking out

  1. Books — Your AI guide in the world of literature and reading.
  2. Canva — Effortlessly design anything: presentations, logos, social media posts, and more.
  3. Code Tutor — This app is developed by Khan Academy. It won’t write the code for you, but I’ll help you work things out.
  4. Consensus — Your AI Research Assistant. Search 200 million academic papers from Consensus, get science-based answers, and draft content with accurate citations.
  5. AskYourPDF — Enhance your research with the AskYourPDF Research Assistant. Chat with multiple files, ChatPDF, generate articles with citations, analyse and generate references for papers, create and interact with a knowledge base of your files, and much more.

Final Thoughts

Overall, the GPT Store is a promising initiative that has the potential to democratize AI development and empower users to create fun and useful GPTs.

However, there is always room for improvement. The limited customization options currently available are a starting point, but integrating more advanced controls and fine-tuning capabilities would significantly enhance the user experience.

Have you created your own GPT app? Share it in the comments! I’d love to check it out.

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