AI news
June 6, 2024

FREE Access To GPT-4o and GPTs: Things You Need To Know

So, what do paid subscribers get with ChatGPT Pro?

Algie Desucatan
Algie Desucatan

ChatGPT4o memory and creating GPTs are still only available for plus users yet

It’s been a few weeks since Openai gave GPT4o and they are slowly adding features to a free account that back then only plus users can have.

Most of the capabilities with GPT4o free user was discussed here.

Done Checking GPT4o and Here’s What You Need To Know
Free user can use GPT4o today. You might wanna log in now.generativeai

Few things that weren’t discussed in that story are, that you can only use it once for the analysis, lucky if you can use it twice or thrice.

You can connect your cloud or Google Drive to easily interact with your documents.

How GPT-4o Remembers User Memory

Since memory is not available yet on free tier, let’s further discuss how ChatGPT4o remembers the users saved memory and what good is it.

You can toggle memory on and off. When memory is on, chatGPT4o will automatically save your preferences on memory even though you’re not telling it explicitly.

You can see that even though I just said I like #5, it automatically saves it.

The good thing about this is that GPT4o will know you better and can serve you better. But chances are, the data privacy is corrupted and you are exposing everything about you with Openai.

Good thing is, that you have the entire access to your saved memory.

Users have full control over the memory feature. Turning memory off does not delete existing memories but stops new ones from being created.

Users can view their stored memories through the Manage Memory section in the settings.

Specific memories can be deleted individually, or you can clear all memories at once.

If you want a conversation and you don’t want it to remember or retrieve all the memory you saved, users can opt for temporary chats.

Now, how does ChatGPT retain and use saved memories in every interaction with users?

GPT4o creates a notepad where summaries of useful information are stored, separate from the chat history.

This way it can remember user preferences, past interactions, and specific details, this saves you the time and effort required to reintroduce context in every session.

Now, If you upload a CSV file or input a long content and you want GPT4o to save it to memory, GPT4o can’t handle such lengthy details.

Chances are, it would suggest you to Break down the content into key sections or points, divide the content into smaller or store the full text in a document or database, and GPT4o can help you reference or retrieve specific sections when necessary.

If that is what you prefer you can cut the effort noises and go to explore GPTs since this is like using one of the GPTs PDF Ai PDF.

Creating GPTs

While you can use GPTs as a free user, creating GPTs still falls under Plus user. But I believe soon it will be available for free users.

Here’s how to create a GPT:

  1. Head to (or select your name and then “My GPTs”)

2. Select “Create a GPT”

3. In the Create tab, you can message the GPT Builder to help you build a new GPT. You can say something like, “Make a creative who helps generate visuals for new products” or “Make a software engineer who helps format my code.”

4. To name and set the description of your GPT, head to the Configure tab. Here, you will also be able to select the actions you would like your GPT to take, like browsing the web or creating images.

5. When you’re ready to publish your GPT, select “Publish” and share it with other people if you’d like.

Advanced Settings

In the GPT Editor, you can configure more detailed settings for your GPT.

At the top, there are two tabs labeled Create and Configure. Create allows you to message the GPT Builder to help you build a new GPT. If you would like to provide more detailed instructions, you can set them in the Configure tab.

Settings in the Configure tab:

  • Adding an image: You can ask the GPT Builder to create an image for your GPT or you can upload your own under the Configure tab.
  • Additional Instructions: Here you can provide detailed instructions or guidelines on how the GPT should behave, its functionalities, and any particular behaviors to avoid.
  • Prompt Starters: These are examples of prompts for the user to start the conversation.
  • Knowledge: This allows you to provide additional context for your GPT to reference. Please note that content from the files that are uploaded could be included in the output.
  • New Capabilities: Enabling Web Browsing, DALL·E Image Generation, and Advanced Data Analysis, will allow the GPT to perform additional functionality.
  • Custom Actions: You can make third-party APIs available to your GPT by providing details about the endpoints, parameters, and a description about how the model should use it. Actions for GPTs can also be imported from an OpenAPI schema. So if you’ve already built a plugin, you will be able to use your existing plugin manifests to define actions for your GPT.

Managing your GPTs

As an owner of your ChatGPT workspace, you’ll be able to check on the settings and performance of your GPTs. Within your account settings at the bottom left of your screen, click on Manage Workspace to navigate to your workspace settings.

From here, click GPTs to see all of your GPTs published. Scroll down to the table view of your GPTs. The table view allows you to edit specific ownership and access of each individual GPT. You can use the filter at the top right of the table to further narrow down GPTs by capabilities and access.

Understanding your GPT metrics

In this same view within your GPTs list, you can see how much your GPT has been used. The Chats column shows the total number of chats initiated within the GPT since its creation.

If your number is 10+ or 100+, that means the total number of chats is between 10–20 or 100–200.

To be continued

There’s a lot more to explore about GPT4o, voice command, and using multi-modal capabilities on prompting is an exciting field to test, I also think that the prompt guidelines have changed since some of my prompts are not working the same way GPT4 does.

Sadly, I cannot include more details about that here, I need to test more experiment to further conclusions and will see that in another story.

But that’s it for now and thanks reading.


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